Where Are Ticks Hiding In Your Property?

Where are the ticks hiding in your property? For those of you just joining us, my name is Anthony with Ant’s Plants. We provide lawn fertilization, shrub care and other outdoor pest control services to Morris Somerset and Union County. Let’s jump right into. Where are the ticks hiding on your property? This is a good question and I’m going to say that they can be anywhere. I mean they can be brought in by small animals such as squirrels, birds, dogs, deer and other hosts. They can be in the lawn, they can be in the shrubs, they can be in the mulch beds. Typically they are not as prevalent in the lawn or where they cannot find cover. They like the longer grass areas such as the margins of the property where things are a little more protected for them so that they can avoid the birds being eaten things like that. You typically will not find them along the foundation areas where they don’t have cover areas where they are very exposed to the sun. That’s not to say that you’ll never find them there, but they’re typically not there. They’re ticks. They’re not fun. I don’t think anybody likes ticks, but it is important to be aware if you’re in those areas where they typically enjoy being, then you want to make sure you check in yourself. You could definitely treat those areas. It’s a great service to reduce the population. Whether you’re treating those areas or not, you still want to make sure that you’re monitoring and checking yourself for ticks, checking your loved ones and your animals for ticks as well. They are vectors for diseases such as  Lyme disease, so let’s keep them off of our bodies. Thank you so much.  If you have questions please feel free to contact us by phone or email.