How To Help Your Lawn In Extreme Heat & Drought Conditions

How To Help Your Lawn In Extreme Heat & Drought Conditions Hi there, Anthony with Ant’s Plants your local lawn fertilization and weed control team.  Just finishing up an application here and noticed the lawn is very dry so I wanted to make a quick video about it. The lawns are going into what’s called […]

The Importance Of Landscape Edging On Your Landscape Beds

Landscape Edging

The Importance Of Landscape Edging On Your Landscape Beds Should you get your landscape beds edged?  I’m Anthony with Ant’s Plants. We provide lawn fertilization, shrub care and other outdoor pest control services for Morris Somerset and Union County. I want to talk about if it’s appropriate to get your beds edged.  I’m going to […]

Where Are Ticks Hiding In Your Property?

Flea & Tick Control

Where Are Ticks Hiding In Your Property? Where are the ticks hiding in your property? For those of you just joining us, my name is Anthony with Ant’s Plants. We provide lawn fertilization, shrub care and other outdoor pest control services to Morris Somerset and Union County. Let’s jump right into. Where are the ticks […]

Irrigation Guide

Lawn Watering Tips

Irrigation Guide Hey there. So we wanted to make a video about Irrigation and more importantly, what happens when it’s time to aerate and you have an irrigation system. It’s very important to mark out the heads. We have the irrigation clock here and I’m going to run through the process of marking that out. […]

Slice Seeder Demonstration

Lawn Aeration Results

Slice Seeder Demonstartion Something I’ll show you with the slice seeder is that it’s got this set of knives that I was talking about. We can set the depth of those knives to cut anywhere from just barely scarifying the soil up to half inch before it really starts to bog down. Now this isn’t […]

Aeration & Seeding

Core Aeration

Aeration & Seeding What we have is a foot actuated hydraulic pressure system. When I push my foot down here, it puts the tines down so it can start pulling cores. As we drive forward, those tines, those cores, are being pulled out and pushed forward and pushes the machine forward itself. At the same […]

Aeration & Overseeding Tips

Lawn Aeration Tips

Aeration & Overseeding Tips Something to consider when we’re talking about aeration and overseed is the depth of the core aeration plug. Typically, I like to see anywhere from an inch and a half to two inches,  maybe two and a half max. Any deeper than that and I start to feel that the grass […]

Lawn Watering Tips

Lawn Watering Tips

Lawn Watering Tips A lot of times I’m asked about watering after seeding. What I tell people is in the fall, watering isn’t 100% necessary. Now if you have an irrigation system that’s great, you should put it on and mimic rain. Long waterings followed by long periods of dryness, that’s what naturally occurs in […]

Lawn Aeration & Overseed Service

Lawn Overseeding & Aeration

Lawn Aeration & Overseed Service Today we’re doing an aeration and overseed. The first step to an aeration and overseed is to mark out your irrigation heads or a dog fence if you have one. If you don’t, no worries. If it’s not in use, no worries. Aeration and overseed is the process of pulling […]