How To Help Your Lawn In Extreme Heat & Drought Conditions

Hi there, Anthony with Ant’s Plants your local lawn fertilization and weed control team.  Just finishing up an application here and noticed the lawn is very dry so I wanted to make a quick video about it. The lawns are going into what’s called dormancy, due to the extreme heat and the lack of rain that we’ve seen this year so far. But, I’m not worried I believe the lawns will spring back as soon as we get that rain and the cooler nights start to come with the August month. I would absolutely recommend aeration and overseed especially this year, although it’s a great practice to do every year but, especially this year to help mitigate some of the damage, if any we see due to the the dormancy and the extreme heat this year. If we can help you with any of those things please do give us a call 908-448-2537. Until then, do your best to stay cool and we’ll see you soon take care.