Slice Seeder Demonstartion
Something I’ll show you with the slice seeder is that it’s got this set of knives that I was talking about. We can set the depth of those knives to cut anywhere from just barely scarifying the soil up to half inch before it really starts to bog down. Now this isn’t the average slice seeder that you’ find at your rental company. This is definitely a heavy duty slice seeder. Pneumatic tires, hydraulically driven forward and backwards, and a lot of calibration in the seed dropping. And it’s got the seed box. I believe that is a big contributing factor, having the right tools for the job to getting the right results. We have a really unique opportunity here. We have this area that we cleared out and we’re not going to be doing anything with it, we just needed to clean it up so we have bare soil, and we’re going to be leaving it as bare soil for about a week or so maybe two. In the meantime, I thought this was a great opportunity to show you what the slice seeder can do. I’m going to make one path, straight down, I’ll show you on video. Then we’ll revisit this in that few week period to see what this thing can do in bare soil. There is no top soil, we won’t be fertilizing it. The only thing we’ll be doing is using the right methods, the right seed, and the right time of year, August 15th to September 30th let’s give it a shot.
We’ll leave it at that. You can see here that the knives cut into the soil about half and inch or so, and was dropping seed as it was going and covering it back up. This is a perfect spot to show off how in a bare area, this thing excels. Now an aerator could do just as well, but it would make a bit of a mess and in my opinion, maybe it wouldn’t be as thorough as the slice seeder. We’ll come back, revisit this and you’ll see the difference.